Naturopathic Cancer Treatment Provider for over 25 years



A 57 year young woman presented to the clinic 4 months after a breast cancer diagnosis of the left breast after a routine mammogram. After this diagnosis, a lumpectomy was performed to remove the tumor as well as remove her lymph nodes to test for spread of the cancer. The tumor was 3.8 centimeters when removed and 8 of the 12 nodes were positive for cancer. The first surgery did not have clear margins so a second surgery was performed to assure complete removal of the primary tumor.

The tumor was found to be estrogen and progesterone receptor positive (ER+ and PR+) and HER2 negative. Both her mother and grandmother had ovarian cancer and her father had a history of bladder cancer.  She was advised by her oncologist to pursue radiation and chemotherapy treatment and had a port inserted into her chest for that purpose. After reflection she declined those options and came to our clinic for evaluation and treatment.



When the patient came in she was feeling well, sleeping well, and had good energy throughout the day. She had healed well from the surgeries, but was experiencing hot flashes about 10 times through the day and also was having night sweats. She had watched her mother and two friends undergo conventional cancer care, which had been unsuccessful in resolving the cancer as well as a trying experience to forgo. She was strongly interested in finding other options.

In our workup we saw that she was deficient in potassium, zinc, calcium, and essential fatty acids. Her chapman organ reflexes indicated increased stress on the stomach, thyroid and liver. Her tongue was scalloped with a pattern of cracks – both of which indicated that she was not regulating blood sugars well. This is an important factor given cancer cells have a preference for sugar as an energy source. 

On her skin were numerous cherry moles or cherry hemangioma’s. This is a physical examination sign that indicates a person with increased levels of an enzyme called Aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts hormones, and this extreme stimulation of estrogen, will also stimulate cancer growth. Conventional medicine will use drugs such as Tamoxifen or Anastrozole to block the aromatase enzyme activity, but unfortunately it is often poorly tolerated due to frequent uncomfortable side effects.



At her report of findings visit we reviewed her cancer type, as well as outcome data likelihood with chemotherapy and radiation, all based on her diagnosis. She very strongly did not wish to do either chemotherapy or radiation. The doctor advised her that while the chemotherapy benefit was relatively slight based on the data, the benefit of radiation therapy locally was more significant.

When in combination with our clinic patients generally tolerate conventional care very well and with less side effects because the care is additive and synergistic, not antagonistic.  She had strong family support for her decisions and we supported her in her health care choice and philosophy. She would be open to and consider other options in the future but for now she wanted to only pursue our care.



We advised her on our Anti-Cancer Diet, uniquely modified to her diet needs and cancer type. She was tested for food intolerances and found to be individually intolerant to potatoes, meaning she would cut those from her diet completely. She also had a combination intolerance for fruit when combined with cane sugars. This meant that is she was going to have an apple for breakfast, she would need to wait about 10 hours before she had say a baked good containing cane sugar. Lowering the frequency of these intolerances allowed her body to put energy towards fighting her cancer, instead of energy towards calming down her bodies inflammation.


We prescribed whole food concentrates to restore her nutrient deficiencies as well as provide the building blocks for the growth of healthy breast tissue. In addition we prescribed both a special form of essential fatty acid, and Iodine, that helped with fighting the cancer cells.

We used a comprehensive anti-cancer herbal protocol specific for her case. This combination of clinically and laboratory tested natural medicines worked to improve immune attack against cancer cells, as well as disrupt various phases of cancer cell growth, replication, and metastasis. This combination of medications also included herbal extracts that aimed to reduce the expression and activity of the aromatase enzyme.

Click here for a research review on just one of the extracts prescribed for this case.



We began comprehensive therapeutic clinical interventions in the form of 3 weekly Bio-Thermal Therapy® treatments. These were designed to assist digestion, improve immune function, liver and kidney function, and improve the body’s fight against the tumor. She was prescribed 24 treatments to be completed before re-evaluation.

We initiated high dose intravenous vitamin C therapy. These dosages are well above what can be taken orally. There is extensive laboratory and clinical research showing the benefit of High Dose IV Vitamin C (HDIVC) in cancer.  We use the University of Kansas protocol designed to be used in conjunction or independently of conventional oncological care.  We did these on the same days as the Bio-Thermal Therapy ® treatments. 



The patient started her therapies and treatments at our clinic. She completed her course of IVs for a loading dose and the full course of advised weekly HDIVC after being in remission for one year. During her treatment here, about 2 months into care, she was contacted by her oncologist and encouraged to pursue radiation therapy. She brought that to our attention and we agreed with the oncologist that the local radiation would have benefit. Again we advised the synergistic additive benefit with our care and the likely reduction of side effects that our care would afford. She decided to think and reconsider her options.

About this time, around 6 months after her initial diagnosis and two months into our care we ran an AMAS (Anti-Malignin Antibody in Serum) blood test. AMAS is a blood test that identifies antibodies produced by our bodies to fight malignant cancer tissue. It is a sign of immune activity against cancer. Some AMAS is detectable for all of us. Elevated levels indicate significant immune activity against a malignant cancerous process. One of the advantages of the AMAS is that it can be detectable at levels that are below our current abilities to image tissue. Her levels at her first test were mildly elevated and this can be associated with a better prognosis as it indicates immune activity. However, we will want later tests to show a decline to normal and stable. This occurred in her case at her annual test and stayed in the normal level for the several years after that.

Eventually she opted to pursue the radiation alongside our care as well, about 9 months after diagnosis and six months after starting our care. She tolerated it very well though several months after completing her radiation course there was some temporary restriction in shoulder movement that felt like a tightness. Her oncologist thought it to be adhesions and scarring in the shoulder from the radiation. We applied frozen shoulder variations of our Bio-Thermal Therapy ® physiotherapy treatments that she was already taking as a part of her care and restored her shoulder function.

Genetic testing by her oncologist at one year showed a mutation associated with a significant increased risk of ovarian, breast, pancreatic, lung, and bladder cancer (AMT).  Because of her strong family history of ovarian cancer a preventive ovarian removal was advised by the oncologist and the patient elected to pursue that option. After her surgery we did a post-operative version of the Bio-Thermal Therapy ® to assist healing and reduce complications from surgery. She came through very well. 

Our patient completed her one year course of HDIVC along with her prescribed Bio-Thermal Therapy ® treatments and continued oral herbal medication. Her next AMAS test was in the normal range and continued to remain so as she was periodically tested approximately every 6 months following. She has now been in remission for 6 years.

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