Naturopathic Cancer Treatment Provider for over 25 years

Broccoli: Superhero of Vegetables

Shaped like green mini-trees, broccoli is the superhero of vegetables, containing a powerhouse of nutrients beneficial for digestion, heart health, and the immune system. High in fiber and vitamin C, broccoli is a good source for potassium, vitamin A and B6. Research has established that these nutrients, along with other compounds in broccoli, have anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventing properties.

Broccoli is packed with phytochemicals and antioxidants. These amazing substances influence cancer-fighting activity within our bodies, such as stimulating the immune system, stopping substances we breathe or eat from becoming carcinogens, reducing inflammation that makes cancer growth more likely, and even slowing the growth rate of cancer cells.

Broccoli’s secret weapon is actually two chemicals: sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol (I3C). These chemicals boost the body’s ability to detoxify, help moderate estrogen levels, and have been shown to slow the progression of tumors.

It’s easy to add broccoli to your diet because you can enjoy it raw, steamed, in stir-fry, soups, slaws, and even in a green smoothie. A serving is one cup; aim for two to three servings per week.

Purchasing tips: Choose organic broccoli florets that are uniformly colored (dark green, sage or purple-green, depending upon variety) and with no yellowing. Store in a plastic bag, with no extra air trapped inside, in the fridge for up to a week.

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